[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] Customs in the last 10 days the Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 Departures duty free (T2) posted a patent application related change notification.
Changes to the contents of the selected operators earned the highest score in the big topics of this Scoring four evaluation items with an average score of patent applications, except for companies 'management ability of operators' equal.
Evaluation items of Customs management skills of operating with 500 points, patented Bonded management capabilities 220 points, the society and win-win cooperation efforts in corporate profits about 120 points, SME product sales, such as economy, contributions to 120 points, tourist infrastructure for social development measures such as environmental factors, such as 40 points and the score is out of 1000 points.
Customs by summing the remaining points, except for the last February 15th Oct scores of each judge T2 Departures duty-free patent naeteumyeo the application announcements attended the initial patent examination committee to open (out of 1000 points), the highest and lowest score of It planned to convert the average.
KCS two months from the receipt of proceeds to 51 days 15 to April 6, and general corporate duty free shops and three small and medium-bid target achieved three duty-free shops. Customs is expected to be pre-approved for a top provider of one evaluation Average gained more than 600 points score providers of patent review committee.
The duty-free review this auction proceeds with the Customs Service and the Incheon International Airport Corporation.
The primary endpoint is the procedure for selection to the 1 and 2 above for each business rights corpus, through the evaluation of proposed projects 60% of inspection items Incheon International Airport Corporation, 40% of the rent assessment inform the Customs. After Customs in accordance with the evaluation criteria of the selection of the final T2 Departures duty free operators.
If you receive a bid in the Incheon Airport Corporation Registration April 4, the date of the bid is April 5th.
The minimum acceptable amount of DF1 zone with six stores, the area 2105㎡ to sell perfumes and cosmetics is about 84.7 billion won. 8 stores, in the case of DF2 consisting of an area of 1407㎡ 554 billion, 14 pieces of fashion miscellaneous goods shop area of 4489㎡ DF3 to sell liquor, tobacco, food was set at 64.6 billion won.
Following the minimum bid price of DF4 ~ DF6 area to return to the small and medium-sized Duty Free it was set wondaero 87 billion from the 21 billion won.
Review project proposals entry of Incheon International Airport Corporation is composed product and brand planning, marketing and customer service and store operations planning, design, installation and configuration, and store planning, management status and operating results, investment and income planning. Incheon International Airport Corporation plans to select multiple providers by summing the project proposal Score (60 points) and price score (40 points) in accordance with the order of the combined score high marks.
Ltd. has informed multiple operators and the customs authorities have two final agreement subject to the successful selection through the patent examination after Customs will determine the final winner. When the negotiations accomplished Corporation shall notify in writing the final winner.
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