Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Daewoo Engineering & Construction, Gwacheon jugong only one strong reconstruction contract news

Construction [Korea Seo Hye Rin nine financial newspaper News] Daewoo is showing strength in Gwacheon ohjeonjang the critical path only one reconstruction project contractor selection news.

28 days 10:50 Currently, Daewoo Engineering & Construction is trading at 7,160 won right before the trading day compared to 2.14% (150 W) in the securities market.

After the previous day's close of Daewoo E & C posted a contractor selected and whether the amount of construction. Ltd. is the amount of 414.5 billion won a total contract amount of the reconstruction project.

Day, Eugene Investment & Securities researcher Lee Sangwoo Daewoo construction and estimated that eliminating the orders natanadeon competitive disadvantage in the central area of ​​Seoul, has raised the target price to 9,000 won from 8,000 won existing.

The researchers' (Daewoo construction) put a premium brand (Prugio Summit), 33.13 million won per normal sale price 3.3㎡, unsold during the naesewoomyeo 31.47 million won per 3.3㎡ objective reimbursement victory in modern construction, competition among large domestic construction companies, including GS Engineering & Construction he 'said' first quarter revenues of 2.2942 trillion won, down 10.7% YoY, and operating profit is expected to be 110.3 billion won, up 82.3 percent, he said.

In addition, the researchers added that "after the massive insolvency recognition results to normalize the price will rise and PBR, if indicated, said Daewoo Construction will create construction sector accompanied apply PBR rising grounds.

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