Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Daewoo "brand Gwacheon jugong conflict stretch boundaries."

There bitgo the critical path Gwacheon 7-1, just ahead of the reconstruction combined with the conflict in April of successful pre-sale in the financial newspaper gimdohyeon Korea News] The critical path construction orders in just two Gwacheon treatment.

According to the 28th industry it has decided to apply the recent Daewoo construction orders a luxury apartment in Gwacheon jugong one brand 'Summit' which applies only like Gangnam and Yongsan just a reconstruction project.

The last reconstruction combination treatment priced 7-1 only the construction contractor is required to apply the Summit brand and has shown a tougher stance that goes up to the worst case of replacement contractor.

However, Daewoo E & C Summit names may not subsequently find a position on both sides of the conflict solving clues that only applies to one only.

The Daewoo official said, "It is requested that the Summit brand in just a fact," he warned the stretch and "should be solved by a good direction and maintains a good relationship with the union."

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