Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Daewoo Mirae Asset, IWC open war ... Cheong community-based financial services

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper News] Daewoo Mirae Asset Mirae Asset has held an opening ceremony in the treatment IWC Nam War, as the first floor, located in Daedeok Daejeon, West said 21 days.

War IWC is expected to total more than 40 employees to provide electrification, community-based financial services to the Chungcheong region. Daejeon has located the Korea Water Resources Corporation, Minting and Security Printing Corporation, including public and Daedeok Science Town.

Chapter Daewoo Mirae IWC War times wangseop Center executive director, "Mirae Asset treatment has a beneficial supply of investment assets through a global network," said aspiration that "will do my best to meet the diverse financial needs of our customers."

On the other hand, IWC is scheduled to open in order to Daegu, Pangyo area until April.

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