Tuesday, March 7, 2017

" 'Let's dedicated automotive quality institutions' imperative for consumers."

[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter] claims that the cars existing laws and transport authorities in addition to quality control, legislation and institutions required to professionally manage such recall was filed.

7 days lawmakers Hall first seminar organized by the Democratic uiwonsil along Park, Yong - Jin in the real Kim, Sung - Chun in "auto exchange, refund, legislation hearing for improved recall system, the Korea Consumer Agency, Senior Research Fellow is a separate quality in addition to the" responsible and existing automotive Act ministries guarantee and management legislation is needed, "said" and we should move away from the current legal framework of the civil administration, should strengthen the criminal penalties for regulatory aspects in quality Let's, "he said.

He continued, "The current is carried only recall the great flaw in the automotive Act" and "should, however, be seeking to conduct a recall for the common faults through the established automotive quality management laws," he said.

It came the professional research and verify the claims that require independent body established need for quality defects. Let professional-quality nature of the automotive industry has been talking about the advancement that the review body is required.

Haseongyong Shinhan cars professor is "car consumer electronics, and products and more than 30 000 parts fitted contrast, has been advanced through the combination with the connected car including IT" and "thus increase the expertise in automotive quality, let's clarify the situation "he said.

He also added, "Let causes related to the exact quality reviews be done through an independent corporation" and "will be an alternative attribution is correct and important in terms of consumer protection, raising competitiveness and ultimately manufacturers."

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