Wednesday, March 29, 2017

DGB Economic Research announced, 'Daegu City Housing Fund enabled the "Report

Out [Korea financial newspaper Daegu = bakminhyeon reporter] DGB Financial Group (Chairman Park Ingyu) DGB Economic Research Institute recently household debt soared, uncertainties surrounding the housing finance markets, including interest rate hikes flow, stagnation of the local real estate markets are emerging, Daegu local housing Fund released a report on urban activation plan.

The report housing financial products (loans), the use being Daegu residents a total of 571 people through direct interviews to (cod 295 people, Gyeongsangbuk 276 people), housing finance Utilization and houses in the city to fund loans in the banking sector dwaeteumyeo right to carry out consumer satisfaction surveys, was right planning, to present the Revitalization of housing and urban Fund Focused on results.

According to the survey, the more income a low-income housing finance higher the proportion of use (Bogeumjari and Housing and Urban Fund). Age of housing finance products selected portion, whereas 30 public housing units using financial ratio is high, banks are lending showed the largest share in more than 50 years old. In the loan amount for public housing has been investigated as a loan amount of financial loan buyers are relatively high compared to banks lending money, satisfaction of the loan (Likert 5-point scale) is banking loans 3.25, housing finance is counted as 3.56 public housing, higher financial satisfaction.

The survey of Housing and Urban Fund and Housing Policy perception of loan product path is the advice of people around the highest with 43.2%, as a dissatisfied reason for the loan is complicated paperwork is 32.6%, loans pending review and the time (19.7%), etc. this was higher. The housing policy direction of the government promoting a higher proportion in the response to the stabilization of housing prices by 26.6%, 18.4%, expanding housing finance products for the populace.

65.3% of all respondents (571 people) of the respondents (199 people), use the Housing and Urban Fund is a financial instrument is less than 40, the average loan amount was investigated 7,140 won. However, the average monthly income of 2.5 million won less than the proportion of loans households are likely to be intensified debt burden of ordinary household when the entire loan users 49.9 percent (2,000,000 won less than 13.8%) in the next economic slowdown and real income stagnation reached in the protracted they said.

The report was based on a survey conducted this analysis to enable future plans of Housing and Urban Fund. Household is less than the required operation of the surge in credit counseling center that performed an aggressive level of financial consultancy for people in the context of this effort to build the populace advancement of the housing finance system of statistical infrastructure for effective housing finance policy enforcement in He pointed out that it needs.

DGB Economic Research Institute, said Dr. gimgwanguk opinion, the loan structure such as the current through the structured finance consulting households, it is necessary to strengthen the preventive function to avoid falling into a debt default.

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