Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Director Bank of Korea report (古書) Seoul to foster care

[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters - said the Bank of Korea seven days signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation in foster care and work with the Institute of Korean Studies at Seoul National Pavilion reports (古書).

Day open MOU with Seoul in the afternoon expression was attended by the BOK governor Lee Ju-yeol of Seoul National seongnakin General.

Report commissioned by the Bank of Korea in Seoul is a total of 408 kinds 2423 book. The Bank of Korea has donated collections of reports from the time of its foundation in 1950 after the acquisition or employees from the Korean bank.

Among includes a registration error (謄錄 類) that can gauge the state administration of cultural property value crave that rare or present (稀 覯 本) and shipbuilding (朝鮮).

In addition, leisurely Zhoushan manipulation '(柳 柳州 山水 記) is a Chusa stylist Kim Jung Hee Tang is one mortal report a post of Liu Zongyuan (柳宗元) to autograph.

Commissioned report is expected to be released to the general public through special exhibitions as they finish the conservation work and research highlights.

The central bank said that "we expect signing the MOU would be a great help in the study of Korean history, old documents and East Asia.

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