Wednesday, March 29, 2017

'Chemical, electronics, automotive, manufacturing sentiment improves

[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters - it showed that the mainly automotive, electronics industry, such as domestic manufacturers sentiment improved.

The Bank of Korea said in March industry business survey index (BSI) for manufacturing three points higher than February 79 announced on May 29.

Manufacturing industry BSI showed Jan 75, Feb 76, rising and three months continuous rise this year on December 72 last. March Consumer Sentiment Index (CCSI) as long as previously announced in the last 24 days is also interpreted as a positive, albeit limited to 96.7 signal by showing a 2.3 point rise for two months more passed up.

BSI is a company means more than a company that is not looking good for the game is more than 100 reference value as an index showing the economic situation of enterprises recognized.

Two months investigation was intended to last 15 to 22 3,313 Corporate 2,842 companies nationwide have (manufacturing 1738, 1104 Non-manufacturing) replied.

In March, the manufacturing industry by company BSI domestic enterprises it was 6 to 78 points higher than in February. Export business was as delivered to 82.

Large companies rose 2 points in 85 SMEs recorded 71 up 5 points.

By the chemical industry, and of the electronic equipment, video, communication is climbed to 100 by 8 and 93 points, respectively, to four-point rise car 83 is great ohreumpok.

While the oil refining, coke fell by 1 point to 62.

Manufacturers have chosen the most sluggish domestic demand (22.3%) and information management difficulties.

March BSI's non-manufacturing industry, including service industries were aggregated to have risen 3 points to 76.

By industry, the construction went up 5 points, arts, sports and leisure services soared by 14.

On the other hand was a case of 8 points or lodging away than February 57. Saad (THAAD · high-altitude missile defense system) can be arranged in accordance with the aftermath of the economic retaliation that led to the pool to the influence of Chinese tourists decreased.

March economic sentiment index (ESI) was synthesized Consumer Trends Index (CSI) to the BSI was 2.4 points higher than in the delivery 98.0.

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