Thursday, March 30, 2017

Eugene Asset management, short-term bond funds exceeded 500 billion AUM

It said 30 [South Korea goyounghun financial newspaper News] Eugene Asset Management's AUM exceeded the 500 billion won in the 'Champion Eugene short bond fund' for stability and profitability.

The fund, launched in December 2014, has recently had talks sweep funds from 350 billion won only after the beginning of the year in the circumstances it can not find a private investor to investment in internal and external financial environment of uncertainty and interest rate volatility, such as US interest rates 27 days currently set amount of 5500 and records respectively.

"Eugene Champion short-term bond funds' management is a strategy for stability and profitability at the same time to invest primarily in credit rating is due within three months or more short-term bonds and commercial paper e-A2-, the last 27 days based on the class C 1 years of zero return It has demonstrated the highest level of profitability of its kind funds to 1.81%.

Fund manager Eugene Asset Management Yun Seongju director of "funds within the steady inflow operational scale grows diversified investments in various stocks are becoming available, increased the additional possibility of revenue generation" and "virtuous cycle of investment that can continuously make a good performance I will try to make a go followed, "said the future operational plans.

"Eugene Champion short-term bond funds' is being sold through a total of 22 channels up to eight 11 major securities firms, banks, and Samsung Life Insurance and Mirae Asset Life Insurance, fund online Korea, including Eugene Investment & Securities, and continue to go to increase the sales channel plans.

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