[Korea jeonghuiyun financial newspaper reporter] fake news story in full, even to gain only 1% of the economic cost to our society, pay the amounts to 30.09 trillion won a year came the results of the analysis.
Dont lose worn by individuals or companies from these estimates were considered only direct damages social damages will be priced on the basis of a court sentence. Considering psychological damage to individuals and corporate brand damage, and social confidence is recovering damages is estimated to be even greater.
In the presidential impeachment process, fake news has left helplessly fingering is also the one who is bold admittedly pointed out that teoda. Come in here again in May when a new presidential election suggests that the fake news to be increased if pay more money.
Hyundai Research Institute 19 days "fake news number that, if assumed to be spread around 1% of the actual article and the result of estimating the economic costs and economic costs due to fake news party damage 22.77 trillion won and social harm 7.32 trillion won and Together with the level corresponding to approximately 30.09 trillion won a year, "he said.
In the case of a fake news because individuals can see the damage to the social and economic activities under the constraints companies have noted that the revenue loss flies. The researchers explained that in the case of social harm Court estimates the amount of damage considering a prison sentence or a fine rate.
Researchers have countermeasures to provide a "fake news (Fake News) economic cost estimates and implications of" ensuring freedom of ▲ expression analysis methods to limit false information distributors such as fake news and activated ▲ fact checking (Fact Checking) system It pointed necessary.
▲ also seek the government, companies and the media to raise information transparency and reliability and comply ▲ freedom has a responsibility added that cultivate citizenship is required.
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