Sunday, March 5, 2017

Financial Supervisory Service, the largest shareholder notice, such as business reports quickly check items 50

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] had notice prior to the FSS above 50 items quickly checked in May, 2016. Business Report check year.

FSS is a bar heralds the December deadline to submit an annual report Year 2016 business report quickly check items of the settlement corporation. Also announced that it will soon conduct a quick check on the December settlement listed corporation privately held corporation with business report targets a total of 2289 companies.

First, it led the 26 entries containing information, such as whether the company complies with disclosure standards of financial disclosure form completion. Based on these, check the financial statements, the main assets and liabilities (allowance for doubtful accounts, inventories, etc.), industrial new orders related topics published, new international accounting standards enforcement notice and corporate disclosure form completion standards compliance.

External audit system into operation whether the appropriateness of disclosures related to history was selected to eight items, the Group's related disclosure information is also collected eight items.

Based on this audit opinion, audit commitment of time, audit and non-audit services, maintenance and external audit system operating status check the adequacy of related disclosures, and the highest parent of the connection Disclosure target corporation, the disclosure status of domestic and overseas subsidiaries Information also look at the policies listed adequacy.

In addition, these non-financial information Financial information In addition to check even eight items. This was reflected in the willingness of the FSS'll also explore current issues and the socio-economic importance.

Check that the largest shareholder of the corporation, according to the organization if the Company determines that the information is insufficient for the largest shareholder entity that could affect the reliability of management representatives, financial status, project status, etc. shareholder information complies with the formatting.

In addition FSS △ details on the audit system △ sanctions into △ four management contracts the main content and implementation status △ merger Post information △ 5 major groups listed companies, affiliates and tabeop the investment status, etc. △ 2016 years based half of the IPO companies △ protection Jesus' status was also included in the checklist.

FSS is expected to guide the inspection items conventions to support the creation of a substantial project report and publish reports on the electronic disclosure system (DART).

If FSS gimdo corporate disclosure Commissioner, "the corporation should be submitted after looked carefully again the corporate disclosure format before submitting the annual report" and "items mentioned are missing after submission or an error is detected, the without delay annual report I hope to correct, "he said.

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