"The need to create differentiated mobile financial platform and unique milestone in non face-to-face channels, also KB global expansion." [Korea's Choice Financial News Reporter]
The pace of expansion in the global financial and beginning in the digital sinnyeonsa emphasized that the "First Mover (First Mover) 'yunjonggyu KB Financial Group Chairman (photo) and falls bar.
According to the eight days of KB Financial, yunjonggyu president he went on migukhaeng plane about a week schedule with affiliates officers, including the past five days banks, securities. Meet global IT companies in Silicon Valley Silicon Valley Lab, LG Electronics is also scheduled to visit.
Yunjonggyu President ohgido go ahead in February on a business trip in four countries in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. This is where yunjonggyu President attended the opening ceremony Southeast Asian local global business events and discuss business cooperation with local government officials and interviews.
Digital · Global 'walk of such a meeting is being yunjonggyu pool intended spur to enhance the competitiveness of mobile platforms. The competition in the banking group KB Financial Group, LG U + platform, integrated membership 'rib-mate (Liiv Mate)' has been released with classified as hubalju.
KB Financial Group executive chairman earlier this year yunjonggyu at the workshop highlighted the 'financial viability of the strategy in a giant digging in the fourth round of industrial revolution' and said 'Let's raise KB is a market leader in the digitalization of financial discriminatory and competitive. "
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