Monday, March 13, 2017

Forecast, sets out the first week of nosahyeop ... And annual salary range of issues

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] Deposit Insurance Corporation is expected to embark on the first week of nosahyeop. Adjust the water level seems to be focused on the annual salary last year was passed and discussed.

Forecast is introduced through the first labor agreement and annual salary of the last nine public financial institutions. But more problematic, such as promoting consultation with union leader assertive without obtaining the consent of the existing members chairperson reportedly float can not go one millimeter long seemed resigned.

Since forecasts union was elected Chairman by voting hanhyeonggu celebrating the inauguration of the eight chairpersons 23 days last month. Hanhyeonggu chair in the 2-3 (2003-2009), the person who served as the chairman, with the exception of forecasts in the public sector relocation at the time of the participatory government and sikineunde launched an integrated union to convert the irregular at the time of 200 full-time center He played a role.

In the subsequent eight hanhyeonggu goes first Chair inaugurated nosahyeop this will be a water level control for focus and annual salary discussed. Officials said forecasts called 'annual salary and will it travels because it is already being implemented talk about specific details, such as the range of measures.

Coordinate matters in this agreement are expected to be finalized in early April after a period of meditation. Forecast union is expected to serve as a long-term financial office workers gongun law and commits to improving the working environment atmosphere to start the discussion this goal.

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