0.21% Gangnam put into [financial newspaper sinyuncheol Korea News] Seoul Gangnam is a bargain price rise apartments, or 0.24 percent, Seocho, Songpa 0.12% was examined have risen respectively. Gangnam-gu and Seocho-gu will turned to rise in four months since last November, Songpa-gu has been switched to the March rise in the previous month flat.
March Nationwide apartment transaction price rose 0.02%, while that investigation was switched to the rise in the previous month hybridization (0.00%). Seoul rose 0.10%, and the contrast was extended rise the previous month (0.04%). Metropolitan apartment sale prices and expanding the rise compared to the previous month (0.02%) showed a slight rise 0.06%. While the five metropolitan cities have risen 0.03%, other provinces fell 0.09% and declined for five consecutive months.
KB Kookmin Bank announced the same content through a real estate website through March home sales nationwide and charter market trends survey.
By region. Real estate lending regulations are being strengthened despite the US interest rate hikes and a while investment inflows mainly Gangnam 3 business in a fast paced reconstruction just been analyzed to rise in sale prices. On the other hand, Gangdong-gu (-0.02%) fell for the fourth consecutive month in neighboring Henan Mass and New Town areas within large quantities tenants affected.
The five metropolitan apartments for sale and recorded a sharp rise in the price gamyeo Following the strong pre-sale market compared to other regions of relatively Busan (0.18%). March sales price rise in Busan is the highest among the wide area. In addition, although the charging Gwangju were raised 0.02%, 0.06% cod (-0.13%) and Ulsan (-0.07%) is dropped, and reduces the demand for the sale, such as depression of the moving amount increases and the local industry.
Other provinces in the reduced purchasing demand of relevant employees in North Gyeongsang and South Gyeongsang Province in the recession of the occupancy volume increases and the shipbuilding and steel industries, and each drop of 0.23%, 0.21% and continued to fall.
March national charter price is except the apartment tenants volume compared to local demand, the oversupply of spring migration and related yisacheol demand has risen 0.01%. 5 Seoul and the metropolitan area, metropolitan cities also rose 0.04%, 0.03%, 0.03%, respectively, and continued the upward trend of slight. On the other hand, other local charter apartment prices fell 0.05% from the previous month and was down for the fourth consecutive month. In particular, three kinds of properties on the local demand has been investigated to a limited Out (officials and demand around the inlet), and a new tenant volume increased steadily declined 0.47%.
Meanwhile, in March Nationwide apartment transaction price charter price ratio (charter rate) was recorded for 75.7% similar to the previous month. Seoul was also investigated by 73.2% similar to the previous month. Apartments sale-price ratio charter price in the metropolitan area (76.7%) was higher, while the five metropolitan cities (73.9%) and other provinces (75.4%) than the national average was low compared to the national average.
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