Only 11% of the [financial newspaper goyounghun Korea News] showed that global companies are ready to build an organization that meets the future in the digital age
5 days 90% of the global corporate CEO and HR professionals According to the 2017 Deloitte Consulting's Human Capital Trends is due to the digital revolution and the demographic, political and social change organizations chose to build a future worthy of the digital era as a top priority. But only 11% of these companies turned out to be prepared. The survey compiled based on survey results conducted by the world's 140 countries, 10.4 thousand people HR professionals (63%) and business leaders reach (37%).
Company CEO will organize a transition to a new model that you want to have a plan, and that digital technology change and innovation (Digital Disruption), based on human social networks, transforming the social environment in order to respond to grasp is.
On the other hand, 65% of HR professionals now have artificial intelligence, robotics technology, response that the life sciences are a lot of cases that do not follow the rapid technological change in flows that are driving struggling to build the future organizational model, the difference between reality and ideal It was present.
81% of respondents answered that it is most important to attract talent in the future through a differentiated organization has a workforce for businesses. 8 out of 10 CEO said that the technology and artificial intelligence (AI), social collaboration, sharing a talent recruitment and workplace, including economic leverage to help restructure dwaetdago response to new talent, and stressed the importance of recruiting talent.
83% of respondents cited the 'career and learning "as important employees. 56% of respondents had been CEO of the company reorganize the HR program for the mobile era. 33% of HR managers replied that utilize advanced technology, such as robotics, artificial intelligence and cognitive skills and provide HR services and HR solutions.
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