Thursday, March 16, 2017

Gold tuhyeop, One Company, One Village elementary school students invited to experience financial education

[Korea financial newspaper nine hyerin News] invited the Korea Financial Investment Association 29 (chairman hwangyounggi) is 16 days 1 company 1 village sister Chuncheon boksakkot wagon villages materials twinning Town neighborhood elementary school teacher and student in Yeouido conducted a financial and economic education .

The training is' Find a financial Man "lecture focused on the eye level of elementary and job Games, was held as a financial investment Experience (Financial village) and KRX PR tours, economy and finance program buying books.

Van jongpil principal (neighborhood school) participated in this event, "elementary school are as came to the Yeouido financial and economic financial capital difficult, but to understand the concept of a tangent through such games and experiences, to accept more easily," said a very good time it was announced.

Financial Investment Association has developed the '12 years later signed a twinning with the town boksakkot wagon nongbeongi help shorthanded, including direct transaction Agriculture. It plans to launch a variety of exchange activities for the mutual development of urban and rural residents, including youth and target financial and economic education.

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