[Reporter Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper] life, Hanwha said that six days launched a "hybrid Hanwha Life variable annuity insurance, pension and equipped with a variable interest rate linked pension products the first rider in the insurance industry, plus the stability profitability.
"Hanwha hybrid variable annuity life insurance" is the most effective product in the pension only to raise funds and take advantage of the benefits of variable interest rate linked as a hybrid vehicle is equipped to maximize the fuel efficiency of gasoline engines and electric motors. In addition to that you can subscribe to two types of goods can be transferred to the pension reserve riders between the prime contractor and variable interest rate linked to interest rates four times a year and it is possible to adjust the portfolio according to the market situation. The riser interest rates increase the proportion of riders to have previous interest rate-linked reserves of the prime contractor, the stock market boom may be seeking to strengthen the profitability of the variable portion of the host contract.
The host contract is divided into a variable annuity pension second period for receiving a stable pension annuity with a first period and disclosures Smart Up interest rate paid funds. Smart Up pension before launch variable annuity, the interest rate-linked pension can be selected or mixed pension can adjust your portfolio for retirement income. If the customer wants to pursue aggressive revenue can be received all around the annuity start earning revenue as a variable, customers want a reliable pension can be received as interest rate-linked pension. Customers want both stability and profitability is by selecting a hybrid.
"Hanwha Life annuity hybrid 'is mounted to the pension guarantee and Step Up function during the first industry's first variable annuity period, but were maximum reliability. Features that guarantee a minimum pension guarantee is 20 years, regardless of the return on investment for the first pension amount after the commencement of the pension. Step Up is the first pension investment rises by 5% and 105% of the original pension at 10 percent, is the ability to pay a minimum guarantee it 110%. For example, the first pension is yieoteuna 10 million won, 11 million won 110% of the initial amount of the pension is the pension guarantees during the first period after the second year if the amount of the pension to be raised to 11.5 million won investment rises.
It is also a guarantee fee to guarantee a fixed rate of return increased viscosity do not receive pension benefits and refunds and returns, regardless of the variable life insurance. This item does not impose a guarantee fee Up until a smart pension starts.
"Hanwha Life annuity hybrid" is has acquired this product structure and payment method Items 3 months exclusive license July 21 in recognition of the originality and progressiveness in the life insurance industry in the first year.
Choeseonggyun Hanwha Life Product Development said, " 'Hanwha Life hybrid variable annuity" is a product that can be ready for the stability of profitability and interest rate-linked products of variable life products in situations where low interest rates persist as a commodity, "said" Hanwha Life customers he said it would partner together to develop useful as warm ready to retire and continues to unique offerings. "
"Hanwha Life annuity hybrid 'minimum subscription premium for the host contract (variable), May 10 Yuan, Rider (interest rate-linked) and the next, and sign up 10 045 age 3-76 years kkajida.
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