Thursday, March 30, 2017

Held Interbrand 2017 Best Brand Korea

Through the [financial newspaper yichangseon Korea News] brand consultancy Interbrand Group is the 29th of the 5th 'Best Korea Brands 2017 (more than 2017 brands Best Korea), it has announced the 50 brands representing the Republic of Korea.

50 total brand value of Korea's representative is on the market with sales of 136 trillion won in the subsequent economic downturn overall poor situation in 2016 the total value grew by 6% compared to 128 trillion won.

This is a steady rise in the trend when compared with past inflation, increase brand continued to impact on the market, even among long-term economic slowdown and high domestic and external uncertainties.

Interbrand is the day through the 2017 Korea Best Brand announces the secret of brand growth difficult byuka (VUCA) grew in age than ever before.

Byuka (VUCA) is Volatile (volatility), Uncertain (uncertainty), Complex (complex), in alphabetical word named after a character in front of Ambiguous (ambiguity), refers to the uncertain political, social and economic environment.

The 50 brand showed the highest growth rate (Top Growing) Brand of the selection this time, the cacao, Naver, Amore Pacific, etc. Cacao (30 above) showed the highest growth rate of 31% was recorded at 6,955 billion brand value, Naver (fourth) was the first to enter the TOP4 with 20% growth and 4 trillion 5039 billion brand value.

Amore Pacific (7th) had recorded a 19.3% growth and brand value 2 trillion 9104 one hundred million won, SK Innovation has recorded a growth of 19.3% to 7,042 one hundred million won. NCsoft had achieved a 19.1% growth and 8,329 billion last Thai Korea has recorded the brand value of one hundred million won 9697 with 17.5% growth. To respond quickly to changing circumstances and customer needs to point evolved products and services in various forms is interpreted as those of the main success factors.

Meanwhile, Lotte Chemical, S-Oil, Hyosung, etc. This was a new entry in the Korea Best Brand 2017. Lotte Chemical (41 above) had written a brand value 4,300 billion, S-OIL (43 above) is 4,165 billion, Hyosung (45th) has 3,996 one hundred million won, CJ CGV (48 above) 3,095 billion, Loen Entertainment is (49 above) appeared in 3084, respectively. Brand Ottogi (50th) posted a first name in the TOP50 in 3018, respectively. New brands are entering for the first time reached the TOP50 year through a fresh attempt, including beyond the traditional areas of existing industry launch new products and services and brings unprecedented brand experience for our customers.

Interbrand Korea Corporation munjihun representative "of business growth and brand value relationships inseparable ttelreya" he said, "In order to drive the growth of the business in the ever-changing global market, building a brand, and a very important one to increase the brand value it is, "he said. Following, he added, "This year the brand showed growth sharply showed the industry has staged a rapidly changing environment, or bold and disruptive innovation out of the existing framework through proactive identification of customer needs to have in common."

2017 for more information and ranking for the best brands of Korea can be found through inter-brand website.

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