Friday, March 24, 2017

HSBC Korea held 'in high school entrepreneurship contest

[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] HSBC Korea will hold a pre-training exercise of the 'Company Program (Company Programme)' high school entrepreneurship contest with JA Korea. The event is conducted over a total of four times in Seoul (March 25, April 2), Busan (March 26), Gwangju (April 1).

HSBC Korea has been sponsoring the "Company program", as part of a project commemorating the 150th anniversary of the founding HSBC Group since 2015. A high school student entrepreneurship competition The program was created to help young people to foster entrepreneurship through real-world entrepreneurial activity.

Out of a total of 76 teams are scheduled to attend, the event will present a step-by-step guide to program and carry out entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship item targeting students dig, carry out marketing and training for entrepreneurship, including all phases of financial management, sales, and plans through case announce the winners of last year to help the understanding of the program. In addition, it proceeds along with training for teachers of the participating teams.

Teams were announced on business activities and corporate operating performance and to develop self-entrepreneurship entire process, including start-up item discovery, business plan, product launches and sales by the end of the year after the training event and managed for one year from the end of Finals beolinda contention. Best two teams will participate as a representative in Korea to be 'Asia Pacific youth entrepreneurship contest early next year to compete with students from 9 countries in Asia.

Meanwhile, HSBC and JA Korea has been running an 'Aim High Camp' nature of the program similar to the Company in 2013. The camp was created to help the secondary students to set up a business plan to acquire business sense. 570 students have participated until now, the 21 HSBC staff worked as a mentor. Company program is an extended version of the Aim High Camp.

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