Friday, March 24, 2017

Hungkuk fire, appointed as the new CEO, Mr. gwonjungwon

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] Taekwang Group Hungkuk Fire Department held a general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors at the head office in Seoul newspaper 24 days, the new President elected Mr. gwonjungwon (56).

Gwonjungwon a new fire Hungkuk representative Born in 1960 and graduated from Sungkyunkwan Trade and Companies janppyeo through bold financial planning and financial planning in 30 years in the same field in 1984. Since joining LG fire.

Experience a variety of areas, including product and business compensation is evaluated as one person to traditional insurance overcome a difficult environment as the top.

Volume representatives "are all employees and sales organization becomes united to achieve the business goals of the company and I will be reborn as a growing company with shareholders" are saying I want to aspiration △ substantial growth based on profitability, △ customers, trusted to shareholders △ insurers emphasized to maximize shareholder value.

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