[Hyomun financial newspaper reporters standing in South Korea - Hyundai Merchant Marine has launched the first half Experienced bonds.
Hyundai Merchant Marine has announced the recruitment Experienced staff in accordance with the expansion of the network in nine days 'HMM + K2 consortium', '2M' Alliance starts new services and more.
This adoption is possible only through the support website as a total of 21 sectors, including sales, planning, audit, External Relations, IT, finance / accounting, human resources, general affairs. Eligibility shall be free from disqualification to travel abroad with its sectoral working experience.
Deadline is the primary documents fall 20 Is coming. After the first interview, personality tests to be conducted, second interview, physical examination in order, step-by-step applicants are notified individually. For screening schedule is available on the home page of Hyundai Merchant Marine Jobs (land) board.
Hyundai Merchant Marine official said that "the recent credit rating, laid a stable foundation for growth in the international terminal acquisition, market share, etc." and "plans to secure the talent to do with Hyundai Merchant Marine and leap forward through this disclosure employ" .
Meanwhile, Hyundai Merchant Marine Hanjin Shipping has adopted the last one employs approximately 160 people in January, it has said it plans to employ additional staff offshore up to 40-50 people, depending on the ship to secure the future.
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