[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter] Hyundai Motor announced that it conducted a test-drive the service of large trucks' eksi Radiant "14 days and mini bus Solar tea.
Radiant Solar eksi or tea commercial vehicles, such as the relatively large size of the body because of the indoor exhibits, or if it is limited to commercial customers test-drive operation was less opportunity to take a closer look at the car before purchase experience. This provides an opportunity for Hyundai to deliver enough information and experience for a reasonable choice for commercial customers purchase services has laid a ride eksi Radiant Solar and tea.
The ride services eksi Radiant Gold Premium tractor models and are conducted by the Luxury Tea Solar automatic transmission models can be used directly visit the 10 national commercial test ride center.
Test drive is open between weekdays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding holidays, customers AEBS (Emergency Braking System), the importance that more becoming a commercial vehicle with the basic specifications of the vehicle through the car master ride with the car ride, LDWS can hear a more detailed description of the various safety features such as (a lane departure warning system), SCC (smart cruise control).
Especially after the ride goes by one eksi Radiant case of a tractor ride, consider the use of the vehicle connected to the container so that the vehicle had to experience the vehicle in the same environment and the actual driving situation, the customer cargo loading and running.
Hyundai Motor official said, "Commercial customers laid the this ride service to experience the various parts of the vehicle through the vehicle before you buy test-drive" and "check customer feedback through a satisfaction survey after the ride and increase the satisfaction of commercial customers, such as to reflect He said that to take the lead. "
Customers want a ride is when you win, commercial contact points and master reseller car ride in the local or national center representatives serving on the Hyundai website.
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