[Korea financial newspaper ohahreum News] Democratic daeseonju design Ahn Hee-jung, Chungnam Governor in relation to those 10 days impeachment quoted Park Geun-hye, President of the Constitutional Court of the wavefront "Now end the era of antagonism and conflict as well, the Republic of Korea are all in a new era of unity and integration Furthermore Now, "he said.
Governor balhimyeonseo thus not in a position announcement statement he said, "Let's make a new democratic Republic of Korea in the spirit of the Constitution."
Branch is not "in the Republic of Korea heonjeongsa think indeed painfully as one of the politicians about the unfortunate incident occurred, like today," he said "But the decision of the Constitutional Court's decision for granted. Nobody in the Constitution and the law can not be an exception, "he said.
He added that "a victory for democracy, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea and the victory of history, we all win in the Republic of Korea nationals".
No branch is "starting from now. The Republic of Korea and the newly born "and" transcend the contradictions and conflicts in the meantime everyone should build a new Republic of Korea that one, "he stressed repeatedly.
Following "must have can not be separately To do so, during which came out minutes holding one and Flags heard candles, progressive and conservative, young and old, younghonam, and the conglomerates and workers can not be otherwise," he said "We are all the Republic of Korea citizens will, "he said.
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