Friday, March 10, 2017

[Impeachment quote] Financial Supervisory Service, sets out an emergency inspection market

[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] was cited in the impeachment Constitutional Court President Park Geun-hye for 10 days. This heralded the FSS market to embark on emergency check on the aftermath of the impeachment political situation have on the economy.

2:00 pm the day FSS will discuss the impact on the Yeouido financial results impeachment to hold an emergency meeting on the supervisory checks the financial markets and capital markets. In particular, the Financial Supervisory jinungseop is expected to focus on countermeasures provided for by eopgwon risks cited in the impeachment.

FSS official said that "the next base unit - will also take place, such as the FSS joint inspection authorities Conference - FSC" said, "it is really no timeline yet determined.

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