[Korea ohahreum financial newspaper reporters] are free hangukdang "We will respect the Constitutional Court and the agony of deliberative decision and accept it quoted Heavy" 10 days for Park Geun-hye quoted former presidential impeachment decision of the Constitutional Court, he said.
Inmyeongjin hypertrophy chair the day held a press conference at Yoido Company "hangukdang was a partner of the ruling that created the Park Geun-hye ruling party and state affairs," said "But by not fulfilling the ruling party responsibilities now gukgyeok of the Republic of Korea people are stacked up and the Republic of Korea citizens did not keep that pride, "he said.
Chairman of "hangukdang tonggam is responsible for the decision of the Constitutional Court cited that impeachment" and "Taps sincere apology to citizens as hypertrophy chairman of the ruling party," he bow his head.
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