The [financial newspaper stand hyomun Korea News] Park Geun-hye, President-elect of the government argued that the impeachment should be primarily concentrated in the conglomerate of governance and eliminate the wage gap has been raised. The impeachment of the President that night to talk to one uncertainty is resolved, relevant information, promoting unfair just grab a plate of the local economy and business community.
According to NGOs and business organizations on the 10th kkopneunda as a top priority of the next government is correct governance reform of the chaebol. In late October, it triggered 'choesunsil gate "last year, because after all it is chaebol owner preference is related to hereditary causes. The reason for the continued adhesion scene was also pointed out that this emphasis is reflected in the succession.
Park Sang-in SNU Graduate School of Public Administration, Professor in the "reason for the presidential impeachment and canon adhesion is preferential a cause for proceeding with the succession of false conglomerate," he said "the next government do to rectify this problem in reforming the current structure of the chaebol governance should, "he said.
He added, "This basic measures to not repeat this mistake," said "wrong no alternative governance reform of the chaebol can not be established," he added.
Gwonohin Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice Economic Policy Bureau also "This I revealed it naked of chaebol an accomplice in the national nongdan situation which would according to the chaebol economic focus," said said, "the next government should focus on chaebol reform."
King ever deepening gap also considered that the next administration tasks. Large and medium enterprises - SMEs is talk that the wage gap between the need to prioritize efforts to rectify the current situation that is going on.
Korea Employers Federation official said, "South Korea has a long-term working hours than in other countries, greater even enterprise-wide wage gap" and "Youth in the unemployment level is cleared enterprise-wide wage gap between major economic challenge for the next government." tweaked.
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