[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters - International credit rating agency of Standard & Poor's (S & P) has "no immediate (immediate) impact on the sovereign credit rating of Korea's President Park Geun-hye 10 days wavefront decision of the Constitutional Court, he said.
S & P has rated the credit rating of Korea to 'AA' (outlook 'stable').
S & P said "We expect possible delays in the decision-making part of the" early elections during the period he pointed to the dwaetdago the same thing happened when South Korea faced a larger economic and geopolitical uncertainty.
However, S & P has observed 'before the political uncertainty is eliminated by the new government launched an earthquake would not significantly worse Korea's credit indicators.
In addition, S & P saw that "only lead a rally against the decision of the Constitutional Court expected to be calm my situation as soon as possible."
In addition, S & P reported that the President continue smoothly hwanggyoan Acting Prime Minister-led government daily state affairs, Parliament was also observed to respond appropriately in the event of an emergency situation that requires the legislative process.
S & P predicts that "Korea is to normalize the parliamentary system based on the highly mature on temporary work is also likely to affect confidence in the domestic economy.
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