This context has emerged as a new trend in shopping [hyomun financial newspaper reporters standing in South Korea - the global market.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI below) for the publication of "2017 Retail Industry White Paper" on the 30th and said the shopping era in the context of the global retail market. When the purchase desire of consumers shopping is the context (Context Shopping) generated using automated technology, including artificial intelligence is selling techniques to immediately switch to the desire of consumers to buy.
It is "too much product information, complexity and offline stores over due to the limitations of the lack of product experience online on the needs of the billing process is it does not lead to actual purchase," and "Search & Compare to increase the conversion rate online KCCI, to minimize or automate analysis steps need to pay attention to the context of shopping skills to the consumer needs to purchase immediately connected, "he said. The conversion rate is the customer to come to the site, the percentage that resulted in actual purchases.
In fact, Amazon is up successfully implemented in the context of the conversion rate shopping technology attract customers. According to the White Paper Currency conversion rates of consumers who visited the Amazon it has exceeded an average of 6.2% of the domestic online shopping almost doubled to 13%.
Amazon is largely applied in conjunction with a variety of skills and offerings to the four situations. The first is the immediate fulfillment of the repeat purchase situation. When consumers purchase the goods you have ordered a product previously purchased, if you click one "dash button" gotta automated order based on an existing product, your payment information is stored and processed in ilsacheonri to delivery.
The second is impulse buying situation. If consumption is to upload a product photo shoot discover your favorite products online and in-store, artificial intelligence technology with the "Amazon Echo induce purchase immediately propose the products and similar products.
The third is in need of recommendations for various anniversaries. Various anniversaries or birthdays you like to optimize the analysis, such as recent concerns of the parties and the latest product trends, Product Consumer ratings received gift items, consumers should ever buy a gift without the worry.
Fourth and final conditions provides an analysis of the content, such as movies or music, various personal preferences. For example, if you fall asleep connect request through the "Amazon Eco 'to consider like movies and music to personal preference, time, weather, etc. directly to buy when you want to listen to music, or want to see the whole movie.
"The recent years have also welcomed the significant change global retail market in the fourth round of industrial revolution triggered by the evolution of artificial intelligence and robotics technology" and "artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), based on the voice recognition on for in a context of shopping he is said to come up with new trends in the global market for the future. "
KCCI gatchwoya that the three key elements, such as "Live like, '' Port (Zero-effort) implemented a Zero," "take advantage of a variety of devices." In order to successfully implement the contextual shopping is advised.
The most important element in the context of shopping is a real-time recommendations. As ensuring extensive data on customers as possible there must be a recommendation algorithm based on accurate data analysis. Them understand the customer's situation and needs, and through, a technology that instantly allows you to meet the purchasing needs of customers.
Through such storage is 'zero port' one-click payment and shipping options, as well as buying stage, it means to automate billing and shipping steps. Then, to build a PC, utilizing a variety of shopping, as well as mobile devices such as a TV or home devices, wearable devices anytime, anywhere shopping environment possible is necessary to immediately eliminate the consumer's purchasing needs.
In addition to cited on the global market for such trends as "store-type goods online penetration acceleration" with the context of shopping, 'O4O platform proliferation,' 'in-store experience enlargement of the heart. "
That "became twelve paramount importance to identify the center distribution trends in the market is changing rapidly," he said "Distribution Industry White Paper will be a compass role, showing the future of the flow and distribution industry in domestic and international secondary market at a glance" on about he said.
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