[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] JB Jeonbuk Bank Financial Group (Bank imyongtaek) has signed a TBN broadcast traffic poles (Director gimsanggyu) and "regional economic revitalization campaign headquarters agreement di 9th floor conference room said 15 days.
The ceremony Jeonbuk Bank imyongtaek Bank, gimbyeongyong buhaengjang, shi society contribute director, TBN broadcast traffic pole gimsanggyu general manager, production was organized gimwoojin Director, PD bakdaewon officials, including 20 people attended.
The Convention was established to achieve by building companies and broadcasting cooperation in order to activate the stagnant local economy and a campaign, performing social responsibilities that take advantage of each institution and the local economy of public purpose.
Jeonbuk Bank Local outgoing lead the regional economy and regional economy and the cheering message for a development plan to pass through the annual campaign, broadcast, periodically appeared in the broadcast preaching to the public of information, such as financial knowledge and financial fraud islanders It agreed to the role of the bank.
Jeonbuk Bank imyongtaek Bank is "and support the hopeful future of Jeonbuk economy moving toward the past brilliant future tunnels of the economic crisis, Jeonbuk Bank has grown to seonamgwon representative bank will continue we will strive to expand the business win-win to advance with the area." he said.
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