[Korea sinmijin financial newspaper reporter] the fruit juice brand jyussi (JUICY) has been moving strongly in social contribution activities to be reborn as a social enterprise.
Jyussi is moving gradually expanding its business areas, including agreements with charity auctions and donations, etc. Welfare Foundation 'goes jyussi' drive to visit the Sharing trucks.
Jyussi has visited since last July, including at least once a week social welfare institutions, public institutions, medical facilities goes jyussi has conducted a sharing event. Green Umbrella Children were also entering into a foundation and "business agreement (MOU) for the sponsored child welfare.
Also jyussi it is also taking the lead in social contributions in a variety of ways, such as donating All proceeds from advertising through its non-exclusive model blocks costumes charity auction. We will continue jyussi are plans to widen the width of the society.
Jyussi officials said that "it is jyussi returned because it came the meantime grown loved by consumers surprising" he said. "We would be concerned about the role of social enterprises as jyussi".
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