Thursday, March 16, 2017

KB Kookmin Bank, 'KB Non stars (飛) Multicultural Understanding Class' conduct

[Korea financial newspaper sinyuncheol reporter] KB said that the National Bank (Bank yunjonggyu) In the last 15 days, 'KB Star rain (飛) Multicultural Understanding Class' targets social enterprises ㈜ Makers along with Bucheon gogangdong local children's centers children.

"KB Star rain (飛) Multicultural Understanding Class' are KB Kookmin Bank representative social contribution activities of KB Star rain (飛) dream tuium project as part of, the local children's center children understand the various world cultures to promote and grow into global talents an educational program that can help.

The day class professional instructors from Russia to introduce Russian culture and history, and friends had time to try to understand the cultural experience through colorful activities such as traditional doll making of 'matryoshka doll' traditional food 'Dublin nui' try tasting.

Mr. lecturer God racking Jana has started this job believing that because "has been married Sakhalin Koreans husband came to Korea 10 years ago Wrong lack of understanding and multicultural education is discriminatory in correctly on multicultural raising a child in Korea was, "he said.

This year KB Kookmin Bank plans to proceed with multicultural understanding in the classroom for children of more than 500 children's centers in 22 regions across the country, multicultural training programs to help immigrant women currently also preparing to adapt to Korea.

KB Kookmin Bank said, "but the rapidly increasing multicultural children in our society is a lack of proper awareness education on multiculturalism" and "cultural conflict with South Korea, children, abandoned education in multicultural children's midway due to the negative attention the situation there was going to start this program, "he said.

On the other hand, the KB Star rain (飛) dream tuium project future guidance of youth through customized training programs, mentoring (Mentoring), learning support (Assisting), Career Design (Planning) for low-income and multicultural families, youth (MAP) created is going to work.

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