Friday, March 31, 2017

KB Life Insurance launches, Nonpar KB Kookmin Life Insurance Cancer Care Living Expenses paid

The launch of pay - Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] KB Life Insurance next month geupyeogeum cancer diagnosis and living expenses, living expenses paid Nonpar KB Kookmin Life Care Cancer Insurance.

"Nonpar KB Kookmin Life Care Living Expenses payable cancer insurance" has been developed to ensure the economic space for treatment and treatment periods of high caused by cancer.

Features of this product is that it ensures getting expensive with inexpensive premiums are 30-40 due to economic activities that designed to reduce premiums through a renewed when bojangaek adjustment.

Geupyeogeum for diagnosis and treatment duration of up to 100 million won during cancer diagnosis can be paid up to 48 months of monthly living expenses of $ 500. Also, if you sign up to add Life Care Cancer Diagnosis living expenses riders it can get paid for living expenses up to March $ 3,000. A 10-year renewal-type guarantees up to 100 years.

In addition to the width of deaths due to surgery, hospitalization, chemotherapy and radiation therapy and cancer drugs for cancer therapy to ensure wide, it offers a wide range of riders associated with cancer. The others made up the product so that you can subscribe also to ensure riders major illnesses of a cerebral hemorrhage and acute myocardial infarction with.

KB Life Insurance officials emphasized that 'the products that will be less worried about cancer offering guarantees a wide range of high level during carcinogenesis.

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