[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] KB Securities is 7 days targeting customers overseas stock trading in the proceeding announced "1 + 1 International Co., wearing event.
The event will be held about four months from the last six days until June 30, when wearing more than 5 million won to overseas equity holdings in other securities securities accounts in KB will pay a three-manwongwon vouchers. In addition, payment vouchers for two manwongwon to additional transactions in more than 10 million won since the duration of the event, wearing replacement.
Bakganghyeon Support Division's "Last want to give back to the attention of the customers increased for the global market was to establish an event," said "the future customers more convenient various expansion overseas equity services, such as the United States market services and to experience the foreign stocks customer events plan, "he said to conduct.
For more information, check related offers from KB or securities are securities abroad if you call the KB product support.
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