[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] was the Korea Development Institute (KDI) held the 'Economic Education Consortium' chulbeomsik 24 Union Hall, Seoul Bank Bankers Club.
The Council, made up national economic activity and the individuals involved to a reasonable economic activity as the subject of a market economy as one that recognized that economic education is necessary 18 institutions.
In this day chulbeomsik Council was by building and strengthening the economic cooperation network between educational organizations exchange information presented aims to contribute to the training enabled our economy.
Since launching Council is planning to embark on full-scale excavation activities focus on the challenges and prepare action plans. To enhance the understanding of the economic and social advantage of the training and education resources through the sharing of information between economic education institutions other hand, it is expected to push the platform chosen to build long-term challenges of economic education.
Gimjuhun KDI Economic Information Center Director, said, "I hope the Council will collectively function as a driver of economic education by the importance of economic education in our society and the associated long-term comprehensive plans and practices organically."
Going forward, the Council is planning to expand its member organizations to participate in a variety of economic education organization.
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