Wednesday, March 1, 2017

KEF '2017 salary adjustment recommendations gyeongyounggye' announced

[Korea financial newspaper stand hyomun News] Korea Employers Federation announced one day 'gyeongyounggye 2017 salary adjustment recommendation.

Recommendations day, considering the overall labor market conditions, such as youth unemployment and sluggish domestic demand that is increasingly deepening put the focus on youth job creation and wage eliminated.

First, in 2017 wages were frozen at the previous year level as a rule. Companies are advised not afford higher wages to new hires expand its resources or to improve the working conditions of vulnerable groups. Now a full-time graduate starting salary is 40 million won or more (based on gojeonggeup) has ordered that adjusting the starting salary increase recruitment by that fund. KEF has stressed that the economic uncertainty at home and abroad is expanding this year, suggesting a wage freeze as well as to mitigate social conflict based on youth unemployment and wage expansion are intensifying day by day.

Also reduce the overtime and working hours were reduced so that the recommendations lead to expanded employment. Fourth claim that right for the Industrial Revolution era labor market paradigm it is switched to the direction of managing performance in working hours total now even industrial holding right a wrong practice related to working hours per person requires efforts to reduce excessive working hours total did. In addition, it has reached more than 25 trillion won in annual salary paid now recommended that line worked actively at the individual company level so could lead to job sharing to reduce the overtime.

In addition it recommended the reform of the wage system of seniority-based wage system centered in ‧ and job center. If a full-scale wage system conversion is difficult, in part, it has recommended phased least in line to apply the new wage structure, job performance center.

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