[Korea gimdohyeon financial newspaper reporters: "There is the concept that cities play a variety of face and constantly evolving. Cities in times of confusion and uncertainty play is the key to solve the problem of balanced development and social issues of our time. City to address the physical space and the city maintenance issues while playing can be a central role in creating new jobs. "
29 days free Kim Hyeonah hangukdang lawmakers argued thus in urban regeneration seminar.
Day with Senator Kim jogyeongtae free hangukdang Senator parliamentary research organization that co-owner "urban renewal, strategy forums" were held the anniversary seminar at the National Assembly Hall first breakout rooms.
· Urban regeneration strategies boost the competitiveness of the Forum is an underdeveloped city made to establish an alternative to improve the quality of people's lives organizations. The seminar dealt with the theme of "slow growth challenges of urban regeneration to overcome the aging society.
Gimgapseong Presentation by Professor Kim urged lawmakers following the institutional improvement. He explained that "the current urban regeneration project is a discussion going back to business and professional center area residents excluding the change sheets every time to go back to square one municipality may conflict risk for the residents." He suggested that should be made to facilitate business continuity and funding the current Prime Minister of the next government under the Urban Regeneration Special Committee In a presidential urban renewal and urban regeneration projects Administration Division.
In an open discussion Presentation The end of the administrative budget, including the Ministry of Strategy and Finance andogeol hearing officer, Ministry of Transportation Jeong Gyeonghun city jeongchaekgwan, Ajou University professor Lee Jaejun, Jenny Sun Seoul urban regeneration division general manager, Planning Director jeongyoungseon brand story unfolded attended a heated discussion.
· Urban regeneration strategy forum is going through the government, local governments, private companies, cooperation and exchanges between civil society, it strives to implement policies for urban regeneration active.
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