Thursday, March 2, 2017

Korea Economic Institute "long-term investment, not daring ... system failure" Diagnostic

[South Korea's Choice Financial News Reporter] "Korea Development fell in the system fail situation if the government does not support themselves long-term-oriented investment drastic."

Around here SNU School of Economics professor argued thus said 'we need to create a virtuous cycle of large and small' in 'one go to South Korea's economic crisis, absolute, where' 2 Bank Hall in Myeong-dong, Seoul, Korea Economic Policy Institute organized a seminar.

Points to the overall economy, rampant short-term performance-based culture magazine said the side 'system failure'. Around here, Professor, small, and it allows the differential voting shares issued for venture companies to introduce drastic stock options lead to long-term investments, "it said 'The mergers and acquisitions (M & A) for stable management control ensures regulation is needed for existing businesses he explained.

Past governments, enterprises and 3 emphasized that "will need to be completed by the SMEs and venture companies target is changed by the lab technology validation step beyond the research and development (R & D) prototype 'For each system, joint research by a public research institute .

Also yihyeonhun Kangwon National University and Professor of International Trade spiral to another topic presenter cited the 'aging population' as one global megatrends. Yihyeonhun professor predicted it would be when the rising elderly population over the age of '65 to 10 percent annual economic growth rate to fall by 3.5% points, saying "Japan's progress to the level of South Korea's annual economic growth rate dropped to negative levels.

The seminar was held as an economic necessity for commitment to academic verification role in political elections. Gujeongmo Korea Economics President (Kangwon National University) is 'being produced in the various campaign promises in this election year political parties' opening remarks at the day said 'should verify the fidelity, feasibility and effectiveness of the presidential election economic promises' he said.

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