Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Korea GM, white-collar early retirement carried up to 15 days

[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter] conducted a voluntary retirement with a target office until the 15th Korea GM.

According to industry sources, seven days GM Korea has accepted a voluntary retirement with a target office workers coming from 3 to 15 days later in management efficiency levels. The target is to include managing daerigeup from a previous ipsaja 2011. Blue collar (the hourly wage) is not applicable and subject only office workers, early retirement goals personnel there.

Early retirement will pay 10 million won a voucher that can be used when purchasing a vehicle retirement bonus (up to 3 years of salary) and financial aid two years, depending on the incident within one year after the retirement year.

Target white-collar early retirement of GM Korea is this is the fifth since 2009. This becomes increasingly difficult management situation that emerges is interpreted that the restructuring.

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