Monday, March 20, 2017

Korea Investment Trust Management, the asset retirement fund that smart care management

[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] Comprehensive Asset Management Korea Investment Trust Management recently launched the "Korea Investment funds take care of TDF series. This product is a clever change management investment funds which take care of the proportion of stocks and bonds based on the retirement of the investor. Sign up early is the way to operate reliably yieoganeun increase the debt ratio is high equity ratio, the retirement nears.

Korea Investment Trust Management has conducted a TDF product development for approximately three years starting in 2014 the Investment Solutions division established last year. After a long development period presented its last two 'care fund Korea Investment TDF Series "May 27, consisting of the total in seven funds.

That the proportion of relatively high domestic stocks is considered as the most important feature of the "Korea Investment funds take care of TDF series. Korea Management is designed to enable the domestic equity investment 10% to 20% level in the "Korea Investment funds take care of TDF Series" reflects its investment preferences of investors phenomenon Korea, to cope with currency risk. The characteristic viscosity of collaborative works with foreign asset management companies.

Korea Management has designed this fund with US TDF is a professional asset management Tyre Price (T. Rowe Price). Tyre Price is putting together a long-TDF operational experience on the strategic and tactical asset allocation strategy, Korea Management is responsible for the decisions and operation of funds transfer assets.

To do this, take care fund Korea Investment TDF Series "made Korean glide path (Glide Path, investment proportion path), reflecting changes in interest rates and inflation in the country, such as the life cycle of Koreans themselves. Depending on the glide path is a risk asset allocation for each age shall operate in such a way made.

Korea Investment Trust Management johongrae said "the core of TDF is the asset allocation and rebalancing for the life of Koreans give" and "to the model validation for more than 10 years in the US TDF professional management company combines a long operational know-how in Korea operate only made 'care fund Korea investment TDF series, said it could be a good investment alternatives to investors to prepare a stable retirement. "

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