[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] The Korea Association of Financial P2P bihoewonsa Status Survey in addition to 40 members. P2P companies can rapidly and accurately identify the cumulative loans bihoewonsa situation as being much, it is to minimize consumer harm.
According to the P2P industry 8, the association asked for information such as the status bihoewonsa now, the cumulative loans. Current P2P finance companies is estimated to be over 150. P2P Korea Finance Association members are 40 registered dog.
A situation that P2P guidelines ahead of the implementation of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) in the middle, but I do not know the status bihoewonsa status to determine the enforceability struggling.
Yiseunghaeng Korea P2P banking association president said that "many are also complaints ahead of the P2P guidelines was to make a survey in the industry understand the need bihoewonsa status.
Association members went to the former external auditor starting from the president signed midfield rate over the past six days. External auditors audit is conducted for the first time since the association launched.
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