Friday, March 10, 2017

Korea tire, tuium bus conspiracy 31st progress

[Korea financial newspaper stand hyomun News] Korea Thai said that progress three weeks from 10 days to 13 days coming 'tuium bus (General Support)' Competition in May conducted by the Korea Sharing Foundation tires up to 31 days.

Tuium bus business supports large buses nationwide social welfare agencies struggling to move as a representative social contribution activities in Korea Thai Sharing Foundation reflects the 'mobility (Mobility)' core business characteristics of Korea tire culture of underprivileged, history and it helps the experience of such traditions, ecology and education.

Select the target organ via the online contest, and selected agencies shall support all costs for the highway tolls, fuel costs, such as buses, including parking for up to 45 seater bus and the bus driver 2 days and 1 night.

May tuium bus (General Support) want social services to apply, corporations and organizations can apply for, and criteria and Korea Tire details, such as the Announcement of Sharing Foundation website through the online donation site Dream pools operated by the Korea Tire It may be through the guide.

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