[Korea ohahreum financial newspaper reporter] hwangchanggyu 35 KT Chairman opened the group re-elected as president-elect by the General Shareholders' Meeting was finalized 24 days. The president is to lead Huang KT further three years until 2020.
Day, Huang said: "I will create in 2019 the world's first 5G commercialization and big data, and to fuse the artificial intelligence, platform business," said "to overcome the limitations of existing businesses forward with differentiated technology and services three years, KT is the five business platform based on intelligent network-intensive growth sikigetda held by non-telecommunications revenues in 2020, the changes to the platform operators up to 20-30%, "he said.
Following a "transparent around the board and research and an independent governance structure will be reviewed," said he emphasized, "have a strong sense of responsibility will do my best to become a global KT is one such innovative ICT companies, real people now."
Chairman Huang revealed a willingness to place the plug in the media as a core business in the future, smart energy, enterprise and enhance the public value, financial transactions, five business platforms, safety and disaster.
Get past the first elected 2014 Chairman Huang recognized the financial performance for the three-year term in January alone was recommended by the president-elect KT CEO Nomination Committee consisting of directors.
The first year of taking office in 2014, President of sulfur KT Despite the deficit amounting to 400 billion won, the following year was a successful turnaround olrimyeo a consolidated basis operating profit of 1.2929 trillion won. Last year was a record operating profit of more than 1.4 trillion won.
Meanwhile, a new labor union members a second day in a shareholders' meeting will mention one which was involved in the KT event nongdan choesunsil national and arranged the "second term against" demonstrations were also bitgi the commotion.
However, the first union of official "first union 1 union is and the new union of only 8 thousand is only 30 people," said "opposition of the minority also, but obviously the voice of all 2 10 000 3 thousand employees It is not, "said that.
Also "was restored KT in former times the state sunk crisis in the short term hwangchanggyu president" and "because the reappointment of hwangchanggyu president has hopes more will secure KT and strong to make it a majority of union members are in favor of completely," said He said.
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