[Korea ohahreum financial newspaper reporter] LG U + will have signed a business cooperation signed in indoor air quality specialist '㈜ himpel' and Yongsan building IoT showcase the fans for the first time in Korea said Tuesday.
Himpel an apartment, studio apartment, including bathroom focused on environmental improvement in ventilation systems and specialized in one year 600 000 above market share and record sales in the domestic market, fans, and actively invest in research and development to improve indoor air quality.
LG U + and IoT fans to himpel this development as LG U + Home IoT bathroom with interlocking himpel smart fans on the platform of IoT @ home app-specific IoT product, users with smart phones outside the home via Wi-Fi (WiFi) connection ventilation can be controlled for 24 hours, hot air, dry hair, such as a remote function.
Also I gotta bathroom equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor is automatically run during the ventilation function when detecting moisture within a certain period of time.
If you are due to features such as low temperatures, early morning hot-air bathroom with a customer previously running IoT @ home app elderly parents or children are sensitive to temperature changes may be used deophin bathroom with warm air. Students and workers are busy this morning can be a hair-drying ready to go out and IoT fan with the wind.
As well as many struggle with germs and odors in the bathroom Housewives customers were also able to mold spores, odors, etc. with a strong anion and plasma function of ventilation fans IoT can solve all at once.
IoT fans will start in September, LG U + online shop and sold through a nationwide dealer from himpel 100 and will be available in new construction apartment and studio apartment. IoT will be released in two kinds of composite fan fans' Hugh jentteu 2 'and general fans' zero size 2 ".
LG U + anseongjun IoT Division will showcase sustainable IoT services, "the IoT fan to start developing one after another the IoT bathroom products such as bidet plans to implement a smart bathroom environment," he said, "bathroom products, as well as to provide future value to your life said the policy ".
Himpel gimjeonghwan representatives as well as the bathroom a "IoT fans to start, pleasant to apply the IoT to the ventilation system, the total heat exchanger that can solve the problem of dust and micro dust that is an issue in the recent social and to improve healthy indoor environment the lead would stand, "he said.
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