Monday, March 27, 2017

Lowered Mirae Asset Life Insurance, premiums widened ensure wide

The broadened to ensure the [financial newspaper gimmingyeong Korea News] Mirae Asset Life fetus, as well as mothers' children Mirae Asset Life Insurance Great Birth "he was recently released. This product is characterized by strengthening the indemnity coverage for mothers during pregnancy and the introduction of low-refundable termination structure in juboheom lower the premiums paid. Also it provided a total of 24 various riders can be custom designed to fit the customer's situation.

◇ child mothers, as well as ensuring enhanced, up to the age of 47 years

This product, reflecting the increased childbearing age has enhanced security for women during pregnancy. Pregnancy disease if indemnity hospital's newly established medical rider that receives the inheritance, childbirth and the mountain late edema, proteinuria and hypertensive disorders, acid Latter-related complications treated women were hospitalized due to pregnancy disorders (excluding normal delivery) can undergo inpatient medical care a guarantee indemnity.

We are 35 years of age Pregnancy distribution reflects the social conditions beyond the age of Up to 30% also allow a wider audience to increase up to 47-year-old women are able to benefit.

◇ premiums paid by low-refundable termination structure reduces

In addition to introducing a low reimbursement termination structure of the 100-year-old due to lower insurance helps pay for long-term maintenance. If you want to terminate within that termination refundable payment period is selected while providing the same guarantee to lower the cancellation refund of 30% of the standard premium is lowered up to 28%. We maintain insurance end configuration more and more in favor of maintaining long-term customer leads, animated nature of the children's life insurance that design.

◇ can escape from the package ensures a custom designed 24 riders

This product is designed for the situation it is possible to free a total of 24 riders in addition to the various guarantees of the host contract cancer. Prime contractor is required to join a guarantee to cancer and ensure jindanbi to 50 million won, the other guarantees can we escape from the conventional package consists of a special agreement to be reasonably designed to fit the situation and the price.

Five silver Mirae Asset Life Insurance product development general manager, "and the product is guaranteed both 0 years old fetus, as well as to mothers with low premiums in as a birth age aging requires a guarantee of a mother exposed to diseases related risk situations" and "This product the great joy of the birth of our precious children through affordable premiums and guarantee personalized I hope that all customers enjoy, "he said.

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