[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] March 2 weeks Time Deposit Savings Bank the highest prime rate is found to be 2.37%. Even products such as time deposits and savings banks Observe how to join, so sign up when interest rates higher benefits to non-face-to-face.
12 days FSS Financial Instruments integration compared to disclose according to the Financial Instruments at a glance ', 231' rotation of deposit (non-face-to-face) 'savings in bank fixed deposit products Pepper Savings Bank (compound interest) and the "rotation of deposit (Internet Banking smart Phone Banking) (welfare) showed the highest prime rate is the highest with 2.37 percent.
Pepper Savings Bank branches also sell subscription products and time deposit prime rate is high, but this product than non-face-to-face branch product.
"Rotate deposit (non-face-to-face)" (welfare) is the highest prime rate is 0.1 percentage points higher than the "rotation time deposits (welfare) to join in the branches.
Top preferential interest rates for the second 2.35% higher, the rotation of deposit (non-face-to-face) "(isolated) and" Rotate deposit (banking, smart phone banking) (isolate) also both joined in a non face-to-face, such as Internet banking, smart phone banking It is a commodity.
Eastern Savings Bank was 'fixed deposit' (welfare) and true savings banks 'term deposits' (welfare) is the highest prime rate to 2.32%, it followed. Oriental savings banks 'term deposits' (welfare) can be joined in the branches, the Internet, and true savings banks can join in the branches, the Internet and smart phones.
'E- term deposits (welfare),' non-face-to-face time deposits (welfare), 'fixed deposit' (welfare), the fifth highest prime rate as high as 2.27% the Union Savings Bank is a non-subscription product facing interest rate benefits greater.
Internet and joining a smartphone 'e- fixed deposit' of (welfare) and smartphone subscribers only goods 'non-face-to-face time deposits (welfare) is available as a subscription in the same branch, while the highest preferential geumrigwa both pre-tax and 2.27%' Regular deposit (compounding) was the highest prime rate 2.27%, pre-tax interest is 2.17%.
More products with interest rates, preferential interest rates and terms can be found on the homepage of each savings bank 'at a glance Financial Instruments Financial instruments Financial Supervisory Disclosure integrated comparison.
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