[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper News] Daewoo Mirae Asset said that eight days from the opening ceremony held in the IWC Busan Daewoo Mirae Asset building is located in Dongnae in Busan chungryeol dongnae district.
IWC Busan is expected to have a total staff of 50 persons providing financial services as a differentiator community-based stores to manage complex Busan, South Gyeongsang Province.
Bakgigwan IWC Busan Daewoo Mirae Asset Center, said, "The company presented solutions for cash management, and by providing comprehensive asset management services for private clients will do my best to increase the variety of client satisfaction," said aspirations.
On the other hand, IWC is coming 4 is scheduled to open in order to Daejeon, Daegu, Pangyo area until March.
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