Friday, March 17, 2017

Mutual credit cooperatives 'NH Hancock Bank' subscription customers exceeded 50 million people

[Korea Financial News Lee, Dong - Kyu News] Agricultural Mutual said Finance (CEO Lee Dae-hoon) is that it has surpassed last July launched a 'NH Hancock Bank "50 million people sign up in seven months launch customer and Cock transfer using the number 350 million 17.

NH Hancock Bank has gained a great response from the customers' side apps with ease-of-use designed to be used only with queries, simple operation, mainly to configure key features such as transfer, payments that customers use a lot.

In particular, voice transfer, with convenient features such as mobile phone number transfer, KakaoTalk transfer 'Cock transfer' customers are young as well as elderly due to the advantage of customers can easily use it to reap the performance exceeded the number of transfer 350 million in the short term.

Lee Dae-hoon representatives 'Tao also seems to be the ease that you can easily use leading to customer satisfaction "said Forward NH Hancock Bank services the financial and Everyday tips pins of cooperatives only to contribute to increasing farmers' income, while specialization focused on the key features of he said nagetda continue to develop "a tech services.

The mutual credit cooperatives are expected to expand the use of payment NH Hancock Hancock Bank and mobile payment functionality to open in early April in one of the supermarkets, cooperatives, etc. Economic Club one business to create synergies and affiliates.

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