Friday, March 3, 2017

NH Agricultural Insurance, Direct Insurance only mall open

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] NH Agricultural Insurance has opened a dedicated Direct Insurance Insurance Mall is available on the Internet.

This private insurance mole cancer insurance, injury insurance, term insurance and two kinds of travel insurance, home fire insurance, dropping three kinds of insurance affiliate of General Insurance products are available. The second half of this year, plans to introduce only direct indemnity products.

Also, check the Product, plan premiums by private insurance via direct drive customers only date of birth and gender at a time, and it is possible to offer a one-stop and storage.

NH cooperatives should proceed according to the customer participation events fiddling Insurance Mall opened two days. A lottery for calculating premiums customer presents a variety of prizes, including goldeuba, department store gift certificates.

The NH cooperatives fiddling coming in August plans to open a mobile-only insurance Mall. Through this, customers can easily sign up as a direct PC as well as mobile-only product.

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