[Reporter Korea hyomun financial newspaper stand] 15 days POSCO said that the "youth to youth the battleship" exhibition held at the Museum until next month, 28 days POSCO.
The exhibition of POSCO holds a message to convey to the middle-aged writers contemporary youth dream of a still youthful enthusiasm does get cold from young artists who live more than anyone keen youth in difficult Korean reality and purity and is divided into a total of three parts . First 'PARTⅠ.靑 春, beautiful or cruel "In the sculptor songpil and patterned life of repeating angry modern representation of human life from writers gimsumin represented in paper cups various emotions accumulated in the large white-collar life by carrying a huge doldeongeori camel with a photo collage showing through the work of the artist seems to unfold a frank look yijiyeon the lives of youth.
'PART Ⅱ.靑 春, 通 or not 'see the living fuck at least once a heavy weight and worry to communicate and compromise with the inner world of life experienced. Photographer gangeunyoung is to exist in time and space, such as those that are contrary to such life ceramics as main material, and death, happiness and sadness and advice on life, the artist jeongmungyeong is about the emptiness of modern man through the work of the outside and inside of the character dolls and alienation talk. Photographer hongseunghui unveiled a new picture directed to projecting their own emotions and memories in common things.
'PART Ⅲ. So 靑 春 is' to provide the time to think about ways of solving the youth that we must live in this world or pledge. Photographer find a little happiness in daily from writer Kim, Han - Na convey the warmth of the picture a new daily landscape on paper and collage with cloth rebirth that artist Park Jung Min, creating new life forms fibers as a main material for designing the world by way of their own ohhwajin 'light' it will bring a whole can do, but the answer is a little bit of problem awareness and comfort for up to youth artists creating works of hanho the interactive space-themed sesangsalyi.
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