Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Releases, selected public institutions integrated disclosure excellent organization

It was selected as [South Korea financial newspapers around the lower cervical News] Credit Guarantee Fund, public institutions Integrated Disclosure excellent organization.

Releases said dwaetdago the 28th selection in the last 27 days one "integrated disclosure 2016 public institutions in Japan Inspection 'excellent results Disclosure announcement from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance Authority.

Credit Guarantee Fund has been focused on the accuracy and transparency of information disclosure management, including computerized systematic institutional published work for the improvement of the people's right to know the actual service guarantees and disclosure, and the disclosure sangsihwa training for personnel.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance in order to ensure the right to know, ensuring transparent management of public institutions of checks were carried out targeting 319 public institutions. As a result, the credit guarantee fund was selected as one of 18 outstanding organizations do not have a false disclosures and disclosures migongsi.

Releases officials said, "We will do my best to improve disclosure management services to the general public can access the information management easier and more clearly in the new album and SME support information".

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